Mutual Funds: A Simple Guide For Investors

Key Points

  1. A mutual fund is an investment company that pools investor’s funds to buy shares in various types of securities, such as stocks and bonds.
  2. Investing in mutual funds is a great way for individuals to diversify their investments.
  3. It’s important to take the time and think things through before you make any investment-related decision.

Investment is an essential part of any growing business. It can be anything from stocks, bonds or even cash in the bank – it just has to reflect your intention for that asset’s potential growth. Mutual funds are one type of investment that provide stability over years if your risk appetite is low. We are going to talk more about it.

What Are Mutual Funds?

Before we start, you should understand what mutual funds are.

A mutual fund is an investment company that pools investor’s funds to buy shares in various types of securities, such as stocks and bonds. The returns on these investments are distributed among the investors who put money into it.

Investing in mutual funds is a great way for individuals to diversify their investments. Individuals are actually sharing the fate of other investors with them by owning shares for portion ownership and generating income from what they own too. In order to match the investment objectives stated in its prospectus, a mutual fund’s portfolio is structured and maintained.

Why Choose To Invest In Mutual Funds?

Investors often choose mutual funds for the following reasons:

Professional Management Provided

The fund managers do all the work for you, such as monitoring performance and selecting the right securities. You can be rest assured that your money is being invested in the right stocks according to your portfolio.


Mutual funds can be a great way to diversify your investments and lower the risk associated with them. Not only do they invest in many companies, but mutual fund managers look at industries too so you’re less likely to find yourself stuck if one company fails.


Initial investment amounts are low for most mutual funds. Therefore, it is suitable for beginner to invest too.


The great thing about mutual funds is that they allow investors to redeem their shares at any time for the current net asset value (NAV) plus any redemption fees.

Types Of Mutual Funds

The four main types of mutual funds are money market, bond, stock and target date funds. All have different features but they also carry risks and rewards with them.

Money Market Funds

Money market funds are considered low risk because they have high liquidity and short term maturities. By harvesting mature fixed deposits and putting new funds into new fixed deposits, you can earn a similar rate of return without locking up your money.

Bond Funds

Bond funds are considered to be more risky than money market funds because they’re typically aimed at producing higher rates of return. They can also vary dramatically in terms of risks and rewards between different types of bond funds.

Stock Funds

Stock funds are a type of investment that invest in stocks. Stock funds can be contrasted with bond and money market accounts.

Target Date Funds

Target date funds are designed for individuals with particular retirement dates in mind. The mix of stocks, bonds and other investments gradually shifts according to the fund’s strategy over time so that it can be managed effectively at different points during an investor’s target.


Dividend Payments

The fund will gain you nearly all income from dividends or interest with less expenses

Distribute Capital Gains

When a fund sells a security that has gone up in price, the fund has a capital gain. The fund’s capital gains are distributed to investors at year-end, minus any losses in value.

NAV Increased (Net Asset Value)

When a fund’s portfolio increases in value, after deducting expenses from it and thus increasing both the market capitalization of their shares as well. Higher NAV meaning that you have a higher value of investment.


No Guarantees

The funds carry some level of risk. If you invest in a mutual fund, your money is at risk and could go down when the value of its investments decrease. The dividends and interest payments can be unpredictable due to market fluctuations.

End of Day Trading Only

You can request that your shares be converted into cash at any time, but you’ll have to wait until the end of each trading day for most mutual fund redemptions.

How To Buy And Sell Mutual Funds?

Most of the time, investors buy shares in mutual funds through brokers, rather than directly from the fund. The price that investors pay for the mutual fund is its per share net asset value plus any fees charged at time of purchase. Investors can sell their shares back to the mutual fund at any time, and they usually receive payment within seven days.

It is important to read the prospectus before investing in a mutual fund. The information contained within these pages will tell you everything that one needs to know about their risks and performance, as well any expenses they may be subject to.


Investing is a long-term commitment. It’s important to take the time and think things through before you make any decisions, because they’ll affect your future investment portfolio for years. Click here to learn more about other types of investment.

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